Good morning DITL! Yes, I apparently get up at this hour for no good reason now. I must be growing up...
Check my email, LJ, and other important sites.
Check my schedule for the day. I'm free until 3:00 time to clean up for half an hour with my husband.
We're completely out of food - this will suffice for breakfast!
Doggies must go out!
This is what our back porch looks like this morning.
Much cuter
Here's my todo list for the week. It runs Wednesday to Wednesday so it's not too impressive that it's half done...
Pause for scrabble!
Do some work for the 101 list, too.
Puppies like to play
Even Rogue will pay attention to me for cuddles!
We have a kitty too. He's not so playful.
This mess... must go!
Hi DITL! I finally got myself out of my pajamas!
To go to the school for a bit
This is our giant printer. We're pretty sure it speaks Russian, not English...
Drive home pausing for this... it gets worse every week, I swear!
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