Thursday, November 17, 2011


Just in time for Thanksgiving, I decided to do my list of 100 things that I am thankful for

1.     swimming with the fish
2.     being able to volunteer at the aquarium
3.     being able to stand long enough to volunteer
4.     Jack’s surgery
5.     Awesome level 4 and CTG girls
6.     Pregnant beluga
7.     Being in generally good health
8.     A car that hasn’t seriously broken down yet
9.     Henry’s help
10. Henry’s health
11. This house
12. Kevin’s job
13. My job
14. My school
15. I have a cool advisor
16. Mom’s surgery went well
17. Rogue knowing when I need cuddles
18. Friends in Statesboro
19. Sluggysquad
20. Tyke keeps not getting eaten
21. The SCA
22. VA medical care
23. Social Security
24. Getting VA checks
25. People who love me
26. Selling some books on
27. Kelly’s job
28. Dad’s job
29. A loving husband
30. My GPS
31. appleTV
32. Netflix
33. A comfortable bed
34. Internet access
35. Living in a first world country
36. People willing to sacrifice for their ideals ie occupy
37. Dolphin swim
38. Jack’s love
39. Elizabeth and Nat
40. Victor’s help
41. Mark’s help
42. Knowledge
43. My summer job
44. Archery certification
45. My ipad
46. My iphone
47. My computer
48. Being able to fix my computer and rescue all data
49. We’ve always had enough to feed at least our pets
50. Alcohol
51. Staying strong enough to not smoke again
52. My hair
53. My health
54. Rabbi Steve
55. Vivienne
56. Weird Al tickets
57. Semester at sea
58. Russia
59. Guatemala and Argentina
60. Acceptance at the Temple
61. No one was hurt in David’s accident
62. No serious damage in Kevin’s accident
63. Puppy kisses
64. 100pounds2lose group
65. New clothes that fit
66. Dinner with mom
67. A safe cross country drive
68. Other people to cook for Thanksgiving
69. Sea otters being rescued
70. Sea turtles being returned to the wild
71. Living in relatively peaceful time
72. Refund from AT&T
73. Beluga interaction at Sea World
74. Awesome family
75. No accidents for me
76. A nice bathtub
77. Our military
78. We found Madelyn when I let her free
79. I haven’t lost all my teeth like I keep dreaming I will
80. All my senses work right
81. I get to talk into microphones
82. Good cholesterol numbers
83. My heart rate went down some
84. My friends
85. Figuring out anemia was causing my jaw problems
86. Quiet time
87. Finding my Quran
88. Finding my DVDs
89. Abilify
90. No major depressive episodes this year
91. No major manic episodes this year
92. Kevin at work amusing me
93. Youthful looks
94. Kevin’s car not breaking down
95. I’m not as crazy as I could be.
96. Hand/wrist pain seems to have gone away
97. Robert’s friendship
98. Having known Mr. Dalke
99. Kevin finding the jewelry
100.                Having lived another year.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for #19. I actually clicked this thinking that I am thankful that you made it through the tornadoes. :)
