Thursday, September 29, 2011

2 years 2 go

I have exactly 2 years to go as of today. So far I have completed 45 tasks. which you can see on my blog. I've changed from weekly updates to biweekly updates. So here's this week's update
Listen to 26 songs, one for each letter
Go to a Synagogue
Beat my mother at scrabble
Identify 100 things that make me happy

Complete Listography
Complete a DITL 10 times
 Have a 3.8 GPA at the end of this list
Complete a 1000 piece puzzle
Complete a coloring book
Finish the book about me
Weigh myself no more than weekly for a year
Read a children's book in Russian
Get a 3.5 GPA one semester
Complete the 5000 question survey
Do something special for my 30th birthday

  Things I want to get started on immediately 
Complete A Taste of Judaism Class
Complete puzzle book
Watch Firefly in order
 Complete Sudoku book
Complete Crossword puzzle book
Do another DITL
 Authorize for heavy fighting
Read 12 books
Watch a movie for each letter
Walk more
Have my hair cut
Swim 100 yards backstroke
Scan in old pictures
Ride a horse
Make a list of 50 places to visit


No warnings that I can think of. 100_0799 It's midnight. Time to start a DITL for me. This one will go 12 - 12 instead of wake to sleep. Just for the hell of it. 100_0800 It's an exciting day coming up. 9am I have to be downtown, an hour and a half away. I should really be sleeping. Bonus points for noticing that I managed to forget Rosh Hashanah and schedule myself for Thursday before clearing my day like an idiot. 100_0801 Homework that must be (but doesn't get) accomplished today... 100_0802 100_0803 Editing a friend's thesis.... ouch! 100_0805 Study a bit myself.... 100_0806 Work on something for my 101 list 100_0807 Egypt is much prettier pink. 100_0808 Even the dog thinks I shuld be asleep now 100_0809 100_0810 My husband goes to take a shower, and his dog comes in and replaces my dog in the best spot in the room 100_0811 Google "Rosh Hashanah" Find torah on ipad. Nifty. And free! Laugh when rabbi comments on it during Rosh Hashanah services the next day. 100_0812 It's a fill in book that I'm enjoying. Also for 101 list. 100_0813 Bed time. 100_0815 Good morning! 100_0817 That's how I feel about being up at 7am today! 100_0818 So much fog I can barely drive. Still not convinced driving was safe. 100_0819 Feel like I do this every DITL. 100_0820 100_0821 I didn't go grocery shopping, so now this is breakfast. 100_0822 100_0823 Training class at the aquarium 100_0826 Turtle Turtle Turtle! 100_0827 100_0828 100_0829 100_0830 Lunch of champions! 100_0831 Leaving Atlanta 100_0832 Sister's dog gotta go out 100_0833 Relax after long day 100_0834 100_0837 Dinner of champions! 100_0838 Start homework. Though I actually fell asleep on the couch instead of finishing this. 100_0839 It's not as dark as it looks. L'Shanah Tovah! 100_0841 Dog likes to take baths with me. lol. What a cutie! It's midnight again. I've slept 3 hours today.... Good night, DITL!

Friday, September 23, 2011


It was beautiful.

There were about 20 people there - I'm told there are usually more, but because it's the weekend before a high holy day, people don't show up. Anyway, that made me stick out like a sore thumb with a sign over my head screaming "noob!" I spoke briefly to the rabbi before the service. The first thing he asked me was if I had ever been to a synagogue before. I said no and he asked what brought me, so I explained briefly, and he was very welcoming. He introduced me to a few people, and I ended up sitting with one of the women there for the service. Lots of singing and praying in Hebrew followed - I'm pretty sure that made the sign over my head into a neon sign over my head. Anyway, there was a wonderful sermon about aging and listening to our elders. And then coffee and desserts. I was introduced to quite a few people. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

100 Things

100 Things that Make Me Happy

1.     Jack
2.     Rogue
3.     Tyke
4.     Hugs
5.     The internet
6.     Attention
7.     Getting good grades
8.     When someone pays attention to me
9.     Jack still being alive
10. The color pink
11. Winning a game
12. Playing a game
13. Being included
14. CCF Beach Retreat
15. Spending hours talking with Tabby
16. Drive by huggings
17. Someone noticing me
18. When familiar old songs come on the radio
19. Star 94 90s weekends
20. Archery
21. Sword fighting
22. Going out with people after fighter practice
23. Ice cream
24. Quiet
25. Dolphins
26. Beluga whales
27. Feeling useful
28. Working the Greeter position
29. Helping people
30. Worship music
31. Getting text messages
32. Someone IMing me without me having to IM them first
33. The ocean
34. The mountains
35. Colorado Springs
36. Summer camp
37. Roley
38. Spike
39. Blackie
40. Troll-troll
41. Wednesday night dinners
42. Knowing trivia questions
43. Forgiveness
44. Love
45. Danny Groover’s sermons
46. Travelling
47. Chat rooms
48. Getting phone calls
49. Wrestling in the swimming pool
50. Young children and babies
51. Isabella getting her 4th level
52. Being alive
53. When Obama was elected
54. Seeing Kevin at the airport
55. Talking to people
56. The BCM
57. CCF
58. Late nights at IHOP with Kat
59. Getting to know Chris
60. Road trip with Ferret
61. Iguacu falls
62. Religion
63. History
64. Learning about history from people who lived it
65. LJ/DW/FB comments
66. Facebook “likes”
67. When bigots get outed
68. Reading LJ/DW/FB
69. Grapes
70. Kroger’s Pizzas
71. Sleep
72. Long baths
73. Kindle for ipad
74. Money
75. Crossing things off a todo list
76. Seeing Laird on Skype
77. Appletinis
78. Making lists
79. Learning Russian
80. Watering the Plebes
81. Message boards
82. Colors
83. Purses and bags
84. Coloring
85. Sudoku puzzles
86. Crossword puzzles
87. Mike’s Hard Pink Lemonade
88. Nerds
89. Chocolate
90. Answered prayers
91. Comfortable pillow
92. Down comforters
93. My iphone
94. Winning awards
95. Flags
96. Puppies
97. Kittens
98. seaQuest
99. Firefly
100.                God

Monday, September 19, 2011


In the last two weeks (yes I'm 4 days late!)

Total: 40%
This 2 weeks:
Write 25 things I like about me
Go swimming weekly while it's warm enough
Volunteer at the aquarium

In Progress
Listen to 26 songs - one for each letter
Have a 3.8 GPA at the end of this list
Read 12 books
Watch 26 movies one for each letter
Beat my mother at scrabble (this really might happen soon!)
Weigh myself no more than weekly for a year
Read a children’s book in Russian
Get a 3.5 GPA at State one semester
Ride a horse
Complete the 5,000 question survey


For the last two weeks, I've been a volunteer at the Georgia Aquarium. I've done a shift at the information desk and a shift as a greeter. Both of these positions basically involve answering the questions, "where is the bathroom?" and "where is the exit?" as well as a few other things. The greeter position also hands out maps, and speaks to everyone on their way in. So far I'm loving it. I'm getting ready to take a few classes so that I can do gallery interpretation as well. One of my ultimate goals with it is to be allowed to take animals into the line and talk about the smaller animals the aquarium has before guests get into the aquarium. This requires taking all of the gallery classes that are available as well as a couple others. So I'm starting on that next week and I think I have all of them done by October 22nd. I'm really excited! I'm also working a couple of birthday parties in the upcoming weeks.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

25 things I like about me

1. I like my hair
2. My ability to forgive
3. I still haven’t given into despair
 4. I’m generous
5. I am patient
6. I am smart
7. I’m pretty good with languages
8. I’m loyal
9. I want to help people
10. I write well
11. I’m open
12. I’m organized
13. I’m prompt – and usually early
14. I am a good teacher
15. I am independent
16. I am a nonsmoker.
 17. I am tolerant of many things
18. I am always learning
19. I am physically healthy
20. I am a good friend.
 21. I can keep secrets
22. I love.
 23. I’m free.
 24. I am not a worrier
25. I am relaxed.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Swimming Every Week

Well, I do believe I've completed this one. The storms the other night made the weather a bit too cold for swimming anymore. I'm frustrated because I used to be able to swim better than I now can. However, I'm proud of myself for doing this.